How do you say, “How is the weather?” in Spanish?
Simple! ¿Cómo está el clima?
But that’s just the beginning of the conversation! What about all of the rest? Kind of important, isn’t it? Talking about the weather is an important skill in Spanish because it allows you to get to know someone while discussing a neutral topic without the risk of putting your foot in your mouth or inadvertently making a huge faux pas.
This question also leads to other questions, such as appropriate clothing. Will you need pantalones (pants) or will calzones (shorts) be enough? Is it necessary to wear a chaqueta or will you be fine in just a camiseta (t-shirt)? Manga corta (short sleeves) or manga larga (long sleeves)? Many of these answers can be determined by el clima (the weather), which of course largely depends on la temporada (the season). Here is a quick guide to the seasons and some more terminology associated with each:
The Seasons and Related Expressions in Spanish
Verano (summer)
Describe summer weather
hot – caliente
It’s hot – Hace calor
It’s very hot – Hace mucho calor
humid – húmedo
It’s humid – Está húmedo
It’s very humid – Está muy húmedo
dry – seco
It’s dry – Está seco
It’s very dry – Está muy seco
sunny – soleado
It’s sunny – Está soleado
It’s very sunny – Está muy soleado
Attire for the summer
flip-flops – chanclas
bathing suit – traje de baño
blouse – blusa
skirt – falda
Otoño (fall)
Describe fall (autumn) weather
chilly – fresco
It’s chilly – Está fresco
It’s very chilly – Está muy fresco
pleasant – agradable
It’s pleasant – Está agradable
It’s very pleasant – Está muy agradable
rain – lluvia
rainy – lluvioso
It’s rainy – Está lluvioso
It’s very rainy – Está muy lluvioso
mild – templado
It’s mild – Está templado
It’s very mild – Está muy templado
Attire for the fall (autumn)
hoodie – sudadera
sweater – saco
shoes – zapatos
socks – medias
Invierno (Winter)
Describe winter weather
snow – nieve
cold – frío
It’s cold – Hace frío
It’s very cold – Hace mucho frío
freezing – friecisimo
It’s freezing – Está friecismo
cloudy – nublado
It’s cloudy – Está nublado
It’s very cloudy – Está muy nublado
Attire for winter weather
coat – abrigo
scarf – bufanda
gloves – guantes
hat – gorro
boots – botas
Primavera (Spring)
Describe summer weather
beautiful – hermoso/bonito
It’s a beautiful day. – El día está hermoso/bonito.
nice – buen
It’s a nice day – Hace buen día
perfect – perfecto
It’s perfect – Está perfecto
Attire for summer weather
shirt – camisa
sunglasses – gafas de sol
For any of the seasons, if you’d like to emphasize just how hot, cold, ugly or beautiful the day is, a simple “Que” before the adjective will do the trick. ¡Que calor! ¡Que frio! ¡Que feo! ¡Que hermoso! is enough to tell your new Spanish-speaking friend how you feel about the weather. If you’re not sure about the day’s forecast and would like to find out , you can ask “¿Cómo está la temperatura?” This translates to “How is the temperature?” Hopefully your answer will be “Hace 25 grados” (It’s 25 degrees) and not “Hace 5 grados”. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather wear a camiseta than an abrigo. You can also ask a more general question – “¿Cómo está el clima?” (“How is the weather?”).
We hope that in your case, there are many more “¡Qué hermoso!” and “El día está soleado” than “¡Qué feo!” or “Está lluvioso”. At Ciao Languages, we hope all your days are sunny, but even if they’re rainy, it’s good to be familiar with as many weather terms as possible. After all, it’s the one topic that we all discuss daily and the one where you’re guaranteed not to offend anyone.
So…¿cual es tú temporada favorita? Mine is summer. ¿Hace buen día hoy? Did you say it’s a nice day today? That’s great. ¡Que bien!
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