All of our language teachers are native speakers and experienced online foreign language tutors. Accordingly, you will only interact with experienced, knowledgeable instructors who are willing to put in the extra effort to make sure you learn how to interact in the language you are learning.
We recognize the central role of the trained language instructor in holding an effective live foreign language lessons.
All of our language learning materials have been designed with an eye to creating a streamlined experience so that the language learner can dedicate time to practicing and exploring new chunks of language with her instructor.
Motivation is essential to long-term learning and our teachers foster it by encouraging all attempts at learning.
In our Learning Resource Center, you will have the chance to review all of the concepts covered during your live lessons. By having access to files of the teacher’s whiteboard notes, the teacher slide decks, as well as a wealth of extra digital exerceises, you’ll gain mastery of the building blocks of the foreign language you are studying.
Furthermore, even if you are unable to remember something from a live lesson, or are uncertain about how a word is pronounced, you’ll be able to rewatch the recording of your live lessons as many times as you like.